20 June 2024

Vauxhall Bridge London England


Vauxhall Bridge is a Grade II listed steel and granite deck arch bridge in central London. It spans the River Thames in a southeast–northwest direction, connecting Vauxhall on the south bank with Pimlico on the north bank. The bridge was opened in 1906, replacing an earlier bridge known as Regent Bridge.


I noticed the art work on the piers. According to Wikipedia, the images I took in 2023 of the upstream sculptures were the works of Frederick Pomeroy: Agriculture, Architecture, Engineering, and Pottery.

Agriculture 2023
Geoffrey W. Sutton

Architecture 2023
Geoffrey W. Sutton

Engineering 2023
Geoffrey W. Sutton

Pottery 2023
Geoffrey W.  Sutton

The original bridge, built between 1809 and 1816, was the first iron bridge over the Thames. It operated as a toll bridge before becoming publicly owned in 1879. The current bridge has remained largely unchanged since 1907.

The sculptures on the downstream piers were provided by Alfred Drury: Science, Fine Arts, Local Government, Education.

What's Nearby


MI6 Secret Intelligence Service on the downstream

Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens - public park

Vauxhall underground and train stations


Bessborough gardens

Riverside Walk Gardens

Pimlico underground


The text was edited based on Microsoft's Copilot response to the prompt "Describe Chelsea Bridge."

The photos were taken by Geoffrey W. Sutton [Website: suttong.com ]


British to American English -

About Slang, Idioms, and British Terms

  Available on    AMAZON LINK


Albert Bridge    Albert BridgeLINK

Battersea Bridge   BatterseaBridgeLink
A five-span historic bridge near Battersea Park.

Chelsea Bridge     ChelseaBridgeLINK
 An historic suspension bridge across the Thames

London Millennium Footbridge     MillenniumLink
The steel footbridge opened in 2000 located near St Paul's Cathedral

Tower Bridge    TowerBridgeLink
  London's iconic bridge often panned in movies about London.

Vauxhall Bridge     VauxhallLINK
    1906 arched bridge with 8 bronze sculptures

Westminster Bridge  WminsterBridgeLink
   A popular photo spot for pictures of Westminster Palace (Houses of Parliament) and the Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) as well as the Thames River.

Google Map of Vauxhall Bridge area

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