22 June 2024

Albert Bridge London England


The Albert Bridge is a road bridge spanning the River Thames in London.

It connects Chelsea (on the north bank) to Battersea (on the south bank).

Originally built in 1873 by Rowland Mason Ordish, it was an Ordish–Lefeuvre system modified cable-stayed bridge. Later, Sir Joseph Bazalgette incorporated elements of a suspension bridge, resulting in a unique hybrid design.


Total length: 710 feet (220 m)
Width: 41 feet (12 m)
Height: 66 feet (20 m)
Longest span: 384 feet 9 inches (117.27 m) before 1973, 185 feet (56 m) after 1973

Nickname: “The Trembling Lady” because it vibrates when people walk over it.


Some text modified from Microsoft Copilot.

The photos were taken by Geoffrey W. Sutton [Website: suttong.com ]


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About Slang, Idioms, and British Terms

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Albert Bridge    Albert BridgeLINK

Battersea Bridge   BatterseaBridgeLink
A five-span historic bridge near Battersea Park.

Chelsea Bridge     ChelseaBridgeLINK
 An historic suspension bridge across the Thames

London Millennium Footbridge     MillenniumLink
The steel footbridge opened in 2000 located near St Paul's Cathedral

Tower Bridge    TowerBridgeLink
  London's iconic bridge often panned in movies about London.

Vauxhall Bridge     VauxhallLINK
    1906 arched bridge with 8 bronze sculptures

Westminster Bridge  WminsterBridgeLink
   A popular photo spot for pictures of Westminster Palace (Houses of Parliament) and the Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) as well as the Thames River.

Google Map of Albert Bridge

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