12 June 2024

Heathrow Airport Hillingdon London UK

 My video of an arrival in London's Heathrow on 27 July 2022.

Cadbury - my favourite

Some scenes from inside London's Heathrow airport (LHR).

There are plenty of shops for last minute souvenirs.

General seating- waiting for gate postings

Flight boards are easy to find.

Sometimes, I've been able to enter the BA lounge.

Breakfast at the BA Lounge at LHR

Lifts available

We usually fly American Airlines or British Airways

It's a long walk from the plane.

What to see in the UK

UK List of Sites VISIT THE UK

Visit London London A to Z


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Including:        Orkney Islands     and   Shetland

   WALES  >    Places to Visit in Wales

London at night

Leaving London

Watching a BA jet leave from my window. I was returning to Chicago on 13 November 2021.

A book I wrote about British to American English --including British Slang and Idioms.

Available on AMAZON  LINK 👉   AMAZON

Please check out my webpage to see if any of my books on psychology topics might be of interest.

Geoffrey W. Sutton suttong.com

HEATHROW INFORMATION https://www.heathrow.com/

Google Map of Heathrow Airport

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