23 October 2024

Topographies Des Terror Berlin Germany


The Topography of Terror is a significant historical museum in Berlin, Germany, located on Niederkirchnerstrasse. This site was once the headquarters of the Gestapo and SS during the Nazi regime from 1933 to 1945. The buildings were largely destroyed during World War II, and the area was later transformed into a museum and memorial.


The museum features both indoor and outdoor exhibits that document the history of the Nazi terror apparatus, including the Reich Security Main Office and the Sicherheitspolizei. The permanent exhibitions focus on the central institutions of the SS and police, detailing the crimes they committed throughout Europe. Additionally, the site includes remnants of the Berlin Wall, adding another layer of historical significance.

In 2024, entry to the museum was free. The main exhibit is a tour of Nazi terror told through large storyboards in German and English.

The terror story begins in 1933.

There was considerable excitement at the Nazi rallies.

Children learn how to behave in the new culture.

Those who don't toe the line are publicly humiliated.

Racial policies and the death camps reveal the worst of humanity.

Taking a break...

Jews as the enemy

"Asocial people"


Outside the building is a trench where prisoners were once held in cells.

There's also part of the old Berlin wall that divided the city during the Cold War period.


Geoffrey W. Sutton has a PhD in psychology and writes about psychology and culture.

Website: https://www.suttong.com/

Amazon Author: https://author.amazon.com/home

ResearchGate page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Geoffrey-Sutton-2

Academia Page: https://evangel.academia.edu/GeoffSutton


Museum website LINK

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Google Map for the Museum

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